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Word Huddle
Word Huddle is a word game that combines elements of Hangman, Wheel of Fortune, and crossword clues. It draws inspiration from the popular game Wordle and offers a new puzzle to solve every day.
Here's some more information about Word Huddle:
The objective of Word Huddle is to guess the letters in the puzzle correctly and complete the puzzle before using up all of your 10 guesses. The puzzle consists of a hidden word or phrase that you need to uncover by guessing the letters.
Puzzle Format: The game presents you with a puzzle containing a hidden word or phrase. The puzzle is displayed as a series of blank spaces representing the letters of the word or phrase.
Guessing Letters: You can start guessing letters one at a time. Each time you guess a letter, the game will indicate whether the letter is present in the puzzle and, if so, its position(s).
Spinning Circle: The spinning circle indicates the next unrevealed letter in the puzzle. If you guess this letter correctly, you save a guess (no guess is deducted from your total). The guessed letter will be shown in blue instead of green, indicating that it was the next unrevealed letter.
Limited Guesses: You have a maximum of 10 guesses to complete the puzzle. Once you've used up all your guesses, the game is over. Therefore, it's important to make educated guesses and strategize to solve the puzzle within the given limit.
Unused Guesses: If you successfully complete the puzzle before using all 10 of your guesses, you earn one star for each unused guess. Unused guesses are the guesses you did not use during the course of solving the puzzle.
Daily Puzzles: Word Huddle provides a new puzzle to solve every day. This ensures that you have a fresh challenge each day and can continue to test your word-solving skills.
Word Huddle offers a unique blend of elements from Hangman, Wheel of Fortune, and crossword puzzles. By guessing letters, uncovering the hidden word or phrase, and managing your guesses wisely, you can aim to complete the puzzle and earn stars for any unused guesses.
How to play Word Huddle
Using mouse