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Chesstacle is a puzzle game that presents a chess board with an initial position and challenges players to find the optimal sequence of moves that leads to a winning position. The game is inspired by Wordle, a popular online word-guessing game.

To play Chesstacle, you need to guess a sequence of moves that includes the best first move, your opponent's best response, and your winning move. The moves are entered in algebraic notation, which is a standard way of denoting chess moves using letters and numbers to indicate the positions of pieces on the board. For example, "Nf3" means move the knight to f3, and "d4" means move the pawn to d4.

After each guess, the game provides feedback by changing the color of the tiles on the board. Green tiles indicate that a piece is in the correct position, yellow tiles indicate that a piece is on the correct rank or file but in the wrong square, and red tiles indicate that a piece is not on the correct rank or file.

Captures are denoted by the "X" symbol, and pawn promotions are denoted by the "=" symbol, followed by the piece to which the pawn is promoted. For example, "a8=Q" means move the pawn on a8 to a queen on a8.

Chesstacle does not include checks or mates, and the game does not indicate whether a move leads to a checkmate or not. The focus is on finding the optimal sequence of moves to reach a winning position, rather than on tactical calculations.

Some features and tips to help you enjoy and win the Chesstacle game:


Chesstacle presents a chess board with an initial position and challenges players to find the optimal sequence of moves that leads to a winning position.
The game is inspired by Wordle, a popular online word-guessing game.
The game is played online for free and requires no registration.
The game provides feedback after each guess by changing the color of the tiles on the board.
The game supports algebraic notation for entering moves.
The game does not include checks or mates, and the focus is on finding the optimal sequence of moves to reach a winning position.

Tips to win:

Start with the most natural and logical move that comes to your mind, such as developing a piece, controlling the center, or castling.
Look for tactical ideas and forcing moves, such as forks, pins, and skewers.
Consider your opponent's options and try to anticipate their responses.
Keep track of the pieces that are attacking and defending each other and look for opportunities to gain material or positional advantage.
Don't be afraid to try different variations and experiment with different moves to find the best solution.

How to play Chesstacle

  • To play Chesstacle, you need to guess a sequence of moves that includes the best first move, your opponent's best response, and your winning move.
  • Moves are entered in algebraic notation, which is a standard way of denoting chess moves using letters and numbers to indicate the positions of pieces on the board. For example, "Nf3" means move the knight to f3, and "d4" means move the pawn to d4.
  • After each guess, the game provides feedback by changing the color of the tiles on the board. Green tiles indicate that a piece is in the correct position, yellow tiles indicate that a piece is on the correct rank or file but in the wrong square, and red tiles indicate that a piece is not on the correct rank or file.
  • Captures are denoted by the "X" symbol, and pawn promotions are denoted by the "=" symbol, followed by the piece to which the pawn is promoted. For example, "a8=Q" means move the pawn on a8 to a queen on a8.


Overall, Chesstacle is a fun and challenging game that combines the elements of chess and word-guessing games. It is a great way to test your chess skills and strategic thinking, and it can be played online for free.

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